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Recuerda que tenemos un tiempo de 8 a 10 dias habiles para realizar el envio, no disponemos de entrega inmediata ya que todos nuestros productos son importados originalmente de EE.UU, articulo 100% originales; Contamos con el respaldo de mercadolibre y mercadopago. *Descripción del producto*Plastic clothes hanger easily display it in the storefront window on a shelf in a display case on the dressing table or trade shows Metal holder features a solid base to increase the stability of the display stand perfect for displaying your wig Plastic hangers it can also be used for hairstyle display and various cosplay masks hats headpiece or helmets Plastic clothes hangers can display the hairpiece vividly effortless to imagine what this hairpiece looks like on your head Portable wig stand mushroom shape help wig dry quickly and keep wig or hairpiece in perfect condition