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Vendido por AMAMAN20221222144922

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Esta Mochila es 100% hecha con lana de oveja / This Mochila is made 100% with sheep wool.

Tamaño/Dimensions: 28x28cm

Mochila signifies the mother earth as well as the cosmic mother, where everything begins and ends for the Arhuaco Culture / La Mochila Arhuaca significa la madre tierra y la madre cósmica, donde todo inicia y tiene su fin.

Bukwu prides itself of working through fair trade with native and indigenous communities / Bukwu se enorgulese en trabajar y apollar comunicades indigenas a travez de un comercio justo.

Materials: high quality sheep wool, handcrafted into beautiful ancestral bags. It can take up to 3 months to create one of this bags / Lana de oveja de las más alta calidad, trabajada a mano para crear mochilas ancestrales. Su elaboración puede tomar hasta 3 meses
Get a unique and ancestral gift created in Sierra Nevada / Compra un regalo ancestral y único, creado en la Sierra Nevada

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