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Universal Nutrition Omega

Designed for the bodybuilder that doesnt get enough essential fatty acids EFAs in their diet. Its near impossible to plan the perfect diet and eat enough clean macros and get your omegas every single day. Omega has you covered, without a second thought about good fatty acids in your diet

Product Note: Exposure to heat or sunlight may lead to melting/damage of product. Hence customers are expected to be available during the product delivery

Packed with 10 different sources of omegas, Omega gets you a variety of profiles of omega 3 and omega 6 paired with an absorption complex to help maximize each daily pack. When you watch what goes into your body, you need to be sure you are getting the best, most effective supplements

Omegas and EFAs are important for every bodybuilder, yet they are often overlooked. EFAs have been shown to keep down inflammation which can lead to joint pain, keep your heart healthy, and help produce testosterone

Omega is delivered in 30 servings of perfectly dosed packs. You can grab a pack and put it in your bag to take with lunch, or take it with your daily breakfast or dinner. With the convenience of individually packed servings, you can take Omega on the go, anywhere

Since Omega is a fatty acid, it absorbs best with foods. Take Omega daily with any meal, and you are done. Easy to check off your EFAs from your daily diet

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Garantía del vendedor: 1 meses